Hot Flashes of Inspiration Hot Flashes of Inspiration

Thoughts and Musings of a Middle-Aged SuperGal
  • November 22, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    The SuperGal’s ABCs Of Thankfulness


    A     Aging:   The older I get, the more fun life becomes. Besides, the alternative really stinks.

    B     Bedazzling:  Everything is better if it sparkles with cheap rhinestones.

    C     Cheese:   Without its masking abilities, the extent of my lack of cooking skills would have been discovered years ago.

    D     Duck Tape:  Holding my house together since 1992.

    E      Elastic  Waistbands So forgiving of my ever-expanding middle.

    F      Febreeze:   Just a little spritz keeps Laundry Day from coming around way too often.

    G      Granny Panties:  I tried to wear other styles and they gave me weird panty lines. I tried thongs but I had to send in a search party with tongs to get them off again.

    H      Hysterical-ectomy:  Hysterically happy to rid of PMS, periods, and the baby factory since 2004.

    I      The Interwebz:  For making shopping, socializing, and working accessible without requiring me to put on makeup or a bra.

    J      Jolene Lip Wax:  Without Jolene, I’m sure people would ask me how my sex change transition is coming along.

    K     Krispy Kreme Doughnuts:  The motherload of all pastries. The “Hot and Fresh” sign makes me think of my wanton floozie friends.  

    L     Lattes:  More specifically, mocha-vodka-valium lattes.

    M    Martinis:   Obviously…

    N    Naps:   I deal with lifes ups and downs much better when I am unconscious.

    O    Oy Vey:  I could not get through a conversation with my mother without this phrase.

    P     Pop Tarts:  Answers the question “What’s for dinner?” 8 out of 10 times.

    Q     Quantum Physics:  Explains why the socks go in the dryer but don’t come out.

    R      Readers:  I can read the newspaper and my prescription bottles again plus they make me look really smart.

    S     The Spawnlings:  If not for my kids, I would not have stretch marks, an overdrawn checking account, and a whole lot of love.

    T     Tiaras:  Wearing a tiara makes me feel queenly even if I have a hole in the crotch of my sweat pants.

    U     Urban Dictionary:  Now I understand what nasty names my teenagers are calling me.

    V     Va-Jay-Jays:  Some of the most wonderful people I know own one.

    W    Winter:  Now it is cold, my 70 year-old neighbor who doesn’t believe in bras and has a penchant for wearing t-shirts will cover those puppies up with a coat.

    X     Xanax:  See Naps.

    Y    The Youngster:  The love of my life.  He accepts me just as I am and makes me martinis.

    Z     Zapatos:   Spanish for shoes.  They always fit no matter how much weight you gain. You never have to ask “Do these shoes make my butt look big?”

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday, SuperPals!

  • November 18, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    The SuperGal’s 2010 Top Gift List

    The Backtackular is a Gluteal Cleft Shield
    for those who wear super low-rise jeans.
    It has rhinestones to match any outfit.
    In other words, it’s a sparkly ass patch.
     I’m not sure this will go over well because it may interfere
    with the ever-popular and classy Tramp Stamp.
    Poo-Pourri says “Spritz the Bowl Before You Go & No One Will Ever Know”
    Unless, of course, you eat at Taco Bell. You have to check out the girl sitting on the toilet tank on their home page
     I would buy a case of this for my husband
    but he is very proud of his excretions
     and even announces them in cute sayings like “I going to take the Browns to the Super Bowl” or “I’m dropping the kids off at the pool”.
    The Wine Rack Bra trumps the water bra by allowing you to conceal 750 ml
     of your favorite boozy beverage while increasing your cup size up to a DD.  
    The disadvantage is, of course,
    the drunker you get the smaller your boobs appear.
    That’s a trade off I can live with!
    Fat Mama’s Tamales in Natchez, MS makes this mix and it is world famous.
     I want one of the T-shirts, too.I am pretty sure no one is gonna mess with me with that shirt on!
    I mean, I’ve never been knocked naked but it’s got to be an experience you’d never forget.
    Yes, I know…this is really silly but I like it and I think I would use it daily.
    The Dora The Explorer AquaPet
    What? This is a kid’s toy? Ooohhhh…then never mind.


    Happy Holiday Shopping, SuperPals!

  • November 17, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    Hey! You! Get Outta My Nest!

    (Title to be sung to “Hey! You! Get Off Of My Cloud” by the Rolling Stones. Sorry Mick…)

    I am baffled by my strong reaction to children lately. I have been a mom now for over 18 years so I am well aware of the stages of child development and the typical behaviors which accompany these transitions. 

    But recently I have started to feel like this….
    I have become so intolerant of children in all their snot-nosed, attention-grabbing, money-sucking glory and am bewildered when I catch myself beaming invisible stun-gun shocks to screaming babies in the grocery store. Toy ads make me want to vomit at the thought of sacrificing the purchase of cute shoes and vodka for a piece of plastic the little shits won’t play with for more than an hour. I see mothers ogling $200 frilly dresses for their little girls and I think “The ingrate will spill grape juice on that frock within 5 minutes. Goodwill has perfectly good disposable clothing and you can spend the money doing something with your hair”. When making plans to go out for dinner, I make sure I choose a place no parent in their right mind would ever consider taking a child. Pay $24 for a house salad? Fine with me if that means I can eat it in peace and not have to be exposed to the “short people” and their lungs of disturbia.
    When did this happen and why? In my youth, I was the best babysitter in the neighborhood and even had a waiting list of parents desperate to escape their little darlings. As an adult, I was the nursery director at my church and also ran an in-home daycare so I could afford to be a stay-at-home mom. I threw my kids expensive birthday parties, carted their asses to every sport or activity in which they wanted to participate, survived sleepovers with other parent’s spawns from hell, took thousands of photos of my kids’ every precious move, and generally loved being a mom. Even when they both started school, I made sure my employment did not keep me from being in the carpool lane at exactly three o’clock to whisk them home from their long day of incarceration. Their needs dictated every aspect of my life and I was happy as a clam to devote myself to them.
    The change started when my daughter got her driver’s license. She no longer needed me to cart her around and she was even able to help schlep her little brother to and fro. Besides the occasional visit to traffic court for yet another speeding ticket, she was relatively self-sufficient. I had something I had not had in a very long while…FREE TIME!
    It was just a little time at first but then, when my son started to be more independent, it became apparent to me I had a gaping hole in my day. I have always been interested in alternative healing so I went to school to become a massage therapist then went into private practice. I started playing tennis and reconnected with friends I had not talked to in a long time. My husband and I starting dating again without the worry of babysitters or being home at a certain hour. This free time stuff is awesome! I embraced it like a long lost chocolate martini.
    I think I went a little too far with my enthusiasm, though, because now I am desperately pining for the nest to be empty.


    Get your ass out!

    Everything to do with kids and motherhood is becoming a huge pain. I was never much of a cook but now I try to convince my family that Pop Tarts are a viable option for dinner (actually ALL meals) but fasting is even healthier. I encourage my son to be “green” and recycle his outfits several times a week to cut back on laundry. I can tell you exactly how many times I have left to drive to and from the high school until I am released from the hell that is carpool. I drink and swear in front of my kids because I am tired of pretending I don’t drink or swear.

    So, I’m feeling all guilty about hating babies and shirking my mom duties until I realized emptying the nest is a process not an event. The transition has to occur over time so everyone has time to adjust to the changes. If it occurred quickly like ripping off a Band-aid, we’d all be mouth-breathing basket cases. It is harder for my kids because their responsibilities are increasing dramatically just as mine are decreasing. Sucks for you, kiddos!

    Joking aside, my kids are fabulous people but now I am ready to see all my hard work and investment put into action. I know they will be fine but I will still worry myself silly. I will always be here for them…even if “here” means a phone call from a private island while I’m getting a massage from Ramon, the hot cabana boy.


  • November 16, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    The Importance of Having “Me” Time

    My spawlings have been super-needy lately and I am getting little to nothing done in a linear fashion. I am reposting this from my archives because I am totally feeling this today…

    I never thought I would get so excited about something as simple as having a few hours to myself in my own home. As the apparent center of my family’s universe, I cannot engage in any task without an interruption for money, attention, homework help, food, and the list goes on despite my instructions “Do not bother me unless you are bleeding or on fire”.

    It’s a wonder I can get my ass in gear to accomplish anything on a daily basis. This is something everyone who is considering parenthood should know: Parenthood is not for the faint of heart or those who plan on completing a sentence in the next 20 or so years.

    But today I have a blissful three hours to myself while my work-from-home husband is at a meeting and the kids are at school. What will I do? I had planned on raiding my chocolate stash but my daughter has ransacked and devoured it already. Is nothing sacred? I scrolled through some of the more popular blogs and what do they want to talk about? Children, for God’s sake! Now other people’s offspring are reaching through the internet to interrupt my bliss.

    When I was younger, I could not stand being alone. Surely, it meant I was being excluded from some exotic fun everyone else was having. As I got older, I began to love my alone time. I used to go to movies, shopping, and even enjoyed a cocktail or four by myself. I am sure some people thought I was lonely or had a contagious disease but I had so much fun with my own flowing thoughts. Occasionally, I would see a furtive “I wish you would choke on your food” look from one spouse to another as they sat silently at their tables. These are people who need to quit being joined at the hip and fly solo a little more. Maybe their felonious thoughts would decrease.

    I met a couple once who had spent their entire lives having their thoughts interrupted by children. Not only did they have children of their own but they both worked at a high school for a gazillion years. When they retired and the children finally left home, they could freely think and do whatever they wanted. So they became swingers. Yep. Every bit of creativity had been sucked from their brains by not being able to complete a thought so they just went with the first fun activity that came up. Bought an RV to travel to swing parties and had plastic surgery, too. Granted, it’s a little more exciting than quilting or bridge but what is the swinger shelf-life these days? Can you use a walker at swing parties?

    This is just an example of how important it is to have alone time. When I have time to just “be”, I feel lighter and less irritated by the everyday tugs and pulls that come with being a parent and wife. Alone time therapy is free, non-fattening and everyone involved enjoys the benefits.

    So, I am off now to enjoy my three hours of solitude so I don’t end up a senior swinger who wishes a food-related accident on her husband.

  • November 14, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    SuperGals! How did we miss this National Holiday?

    Apparently, November 4th was National Men Make Dinner Day! Why wasn’t school closed on this day? For heaven’s sake, there is even greeting card for this holiday !

    I am super-pissed I missed this day. This is a holiday where I could actually get something I WANT as a gift, don’t have to buy anyone else a damn thing, don’t have to decorate or buy teacher’s gift, or see long-lost and unwanted relatives.

    The only drawback may be a significant risk of food poisoning…

    I am going to make it my mission as your SuperGal to make sure you know about such important days from now on!

  • November 9, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    Does This Tiara Make My Ego Look Big?

    One of the greatest joys in my life is having a daughter. Yes, it is remarkable being responsible for the upbringing of a future Wonder Woman but the real reason is I now have a legitimate reason to buy these….

    Tiaras are the fullest of the awesome of all headgear. There is something magical that happens when you plunk one on your noggin. Can you imagine EVER having a bad day while sporting an effing TIARA? People would be all nice to you because they would assume you are the most important person in the world to be able to wear such fabulosity…
    …or they would think you have escaped the home without your meds.
    Regardless of the reason, I’m thinking people would be extra nice to you because they
    a) Respect your authority as the apparent Queen of Everything, or
    b) They are afraid of you and wish you to go away.
    My daughter,Tippy, is well on her way to having a most remarkable collection of tiaras and she wears them well. I think it is a genetic trait…








    Now, if I can find a way to utilize a scepter, I will be a happy Queen Mother. Please send your suggestions for daily use!


  • November 7, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    Auti and Tippy Are Moving In!

    A few months ago, I started a Twitter feed about my experiences raising a child with autism (Auti) and a neurotypical child (Tippy). I used Twitter because you can only type 140 characters and, quite honestly, I was afraid to type more than that lest the floodgates of emotions surge forward.

    You see, I am the master of the suppressed emotion.

    It was a veritable stream of Tweetiness! Before I knew it, I had filled a page full of things I have never told anyone. And it felt really good…

    So, I decided to take the jump and make a full-fledged blog about our journey with autism. I wrote five posts which is pretty darn good for me considering I have been sublimating emotions for fourteen years.

    I told myself I would write about autism when I needed to and continued my frivolity here on my humor blog. I justified not incorporating autism into this blog by telling myself people want to be entertained not bummed-out by something so serious as autism.

    Then I realized I was avoiding my own blog because it made me sad.

    After reading other blogs by women who have special needs children, I realized I was compartmentalizing my life into happy and sad. And that is not a real life. My life is neither all happy nor all sad. It is a mixture of both, with a little elation and boredom thrown in between. To present myself as a fraction of who I am in totality is to miss out on the full range of the experience.

    So, Auti and Tippy are moving in here at Hot Flashes of Inspiration. I hope you will enjoy getting to know them.

  • November 4, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    It’s Pronounced “Hay-Soos”, Bubblehead!

    This post is most guaranteed to secure my spot in hell so don’t sit next to me during a lightning storm…

    My friend, SuperGal Amy, told me a funny story about her uncle’s bubble-headed new wife who called a waiter “Jesus”. Now, that was the man’s name and all but he is hispanic and there is just a SLIGHT change in the pronunciation.
     I think this is a common mistake for the unwordly types who do not realize “Jesus” is a common Hispanic name and is pronounced “Hey-Soos”. (By the way, she called out “Jesus” three times very loudly. You just know someone was thinking “Jesus? Here? NOW? I’m not ready! I need a new atoner for my sin printer!)

    Most people steer clear of baby names deemed too sacred for daily use but check out this list of names parents were OK with…

    Ophelia Balls
    Pat Fenis
    Luscious Bacon
    Fanny Whiffer
    Emma Royd
    Ivana Tinkle

    But what if parents DID veer from the safe and saintly names like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?

    (~~~~~~Cue the wavy dream sequence music~~~~~~~~)
    “This is Jesus. He’s our sweet child. So loving and forgiving.
    If we could just get him to cut that hair.
    This is God, our oldest. He is the smart one and can do anything. Really. Just ask him.
    Here’s Satan. He’s a bit of a problem child. He’s in anger management therapy.
    He is forever trying to piss off his brothers.    

    We adopted a beautiful little boy from China, Confucius. We are having a difficult time with him using third person pronouns (Confucius say…) but he is such a wonderful writer we kinda ignore it.
    And here’s our little Karma. She forgets nothing and always returns a favor in-kind.
    She can be a bit of a bitch, though.”
    You can reach my fantasy family at:
    666 Blasphemy Lane
    Los Angeles, CA
    (Yes, Virginia, Hell is in California)

    Just to deflect a little of the fire and brimstone that is being hurled my way, check out Scott Adams’ “Dilbert” comic strip about Hay-Soos.


  • November 4, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    It’s the Most Obsessive Time of The Year

    Because I am taking an extended nap today, I am posting this from my blog about raising a child with autism…

    I never look forward to the beginning of the school year. Auti is doing great in school and really looks forward to going back after a long summer of boredom and loneliness so it’s not school that is the problem. It’s Christmas. Auti starts making his Christmas list in August because that is time video game manufacturers start promoting the new games that will be out for the season.

    Auti spends countless hours researching which games he will put on his list. He is given a budget and agonizes over how to best allocate the funds for maximum enjoyment. He also keeps track of release dates so I will have sufficient time to get to the store and purchase said games in time to “surprise” him on Christmas morning. He gives me detailed instructions of how to plan my day on the release date so I will be sure to procure the object of his obsession. Auti worries I will forget so he reminds me DAILY of his plan.
    He is driving me nuts.

    It is October and we have been at this for almost two months. Christmas is still two months away. That is a quarter of the year we deal with Auti’s obsessiveness over Christmas presents. I am numb to talk about video games and get a glazed over look on my face when he brings it up. I allow him to talk to me about presents two times a day because I know he needs to express himself. After that, he has to write it down in journal and is allowed to bring up things he’s written down during his allotted time. At this rate, he needs ten years of chats to cover all his thoughts.

    To make matters worse, the release dates keep changing. This makes video game makers my “Public Enemy Number One”. Do they have any idea the turmoil this causes in my household? Auti has to re-create the whole scenario and it upsets him beyond belief. Worse yet, I have to hear about the new plan several times before he feels comfortable enough with it to stop the endless chatter.

    I feel guilty about not wanting to hear Auti talk about video games. I waited 6 years before he said “Mama” for the first time and every word he speaks now is truly a miracle to me. I know I am the one person he can tell exactly what’s on his mind no matter how random or silly it seems. This is a role I take very seriously. Because autism is a communication-based disorder, Auti struggles to find the right words and does not speak to others as much as he does with me. He knows I will not judge or ridicule him but will help him find his voice.

    So, when he starts talking about “Total Destruction Warlords of Hell-Fire Robot Ninjas” (or something like that), I just smile, look interested, and enjoy the feeling of his words filling my heart.

  • November 2, 2010   Published ~ 14 years ago.

    I Need to Borrow Some Kids

    I love reading other mommy blogs. Although my spawnlings are now teenagers, I can relate to the funny situations and things kiddies do and say. I must admit, though, I am jealous. I cannot write about my kids hi-jinks now without permanently scarring them or making them social outcasts. I miss the days when it was good clean fun to publicly make fun of your children.

    The Good Old Days..
    The Now Scary Days…

    I am not sure when my little darlings turned into the ADDAMS FAMILY but these people are frightening. And they know where I live…

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