Using Aloe Vera Using Aloe Vera

The health benefits and more…
  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Most Effective Reasons For Using Aloe Vera

    By now you will have realised that the juice from the aloe vera plant is far from a one-trick pony. With numerous skin complaints being improved and internal digestion improvements we have already discussed getting positive attention we thought we would take a look at the best uses of aloe vera juice in today’s article.

    Some of the more unusual uses are equally effective, so we’ll be sure to add information about the more wacky health discoveries aloe vera offers soon.

  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Gum Disease And Aloe Vera

    Today’s article focuses on the dental benefits offered by aloe vera juice. Did you know that gum disease can ultimately cause your teeth to fall out?

    Without action, unhealthy gums can quickly deteriorate and become sore, and ultimately loosen the connection between your teeth, gum and bone causing the teeth to loosen and drop out. Using aloe vera juice for gum disease treatment can be a good solution.

  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Drinking Aloe Vera For Smoother Digestion

    We frequently focus on the skin care benefits of using aloe vera, but there are also a wealth of benefits to help with digestion by enjoying an aloe vera drink regularly. Aloe vera juice is one of the top sellers for the distributors of the popular forever living products aloe vera range, so what;s al the fuss about?

    Few people truly know how to deal with indigestion. Instead of grabbing some heartburn or indigetion tablets, why not consider a more proactive solution and strengthen your digestive system before the indigestion strikes with aloe juice. Read our article on the aloe vera drink.

  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Curing Piles With Aloe Vera

    One of the most painful conditions people suffer with in silence is haemorrhoids, also known as piles. Whilst doctors can often help people suffering with the condition, people are reluctant to report them to their GP as they feel embarrassed.

    Haemorrhoids are actually a very common condition, and something your doctor will likely diagnose almost every day. However, if you would prefer to try a natural home remedy before seeing the doctor, you should read today’s article describing how aloe vera cures haemorrhoids.

  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Aloe Juice and Cleansing Effects

    One of themost popular uses of aloe vera is to drink the juice. Aloe juice is great for colon cleansing, using it’s natural properties to keep your digestive system moving.

    Whilst it’s not the most pleasant subject, you can find out more about colon cleansing with aloe vera on our latest article.

  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    What is the Relationship Between Parkinson’s and Aloe Vera?

    Parkinson’s disease is a slowly progressive condition that results from a deficiency in the brain of a chemical known as dopamine. Although symptoms are usually not noticeable until a few months following the onset of the disease, the most commonly experienced symptoms include tremor, slowness and difficulty beginning a voluntary movement, muscle stiffness, and a difficulty maintaining balance.

    Parkinson’s and Aloe Vera

    There are a few different treatments available for Parkinson’s, and the general treatment regime for Parkinson’s may include any or all of the following: medication, surgery, rehabilitation program, and clinical research trials.

    There are also gentler, more natural treatments that can be used for Parkinson’s and which can help to greatly relieve the symptoms that are associated with the condition. The connection between Parkinson’s and aloe vera has proven to be particularly effective and so if you are suffering from Parkinson’s, the Parkinson’s and aloe vera treatment is one that you should definitely check out and consider further, especially if you are looking for an alternative cure.

    The effectiveness of the Parkinson’s and aloe vera treatment is really not surprising, considering that the benefits of aloe vera have been known for thousands of years. The healing benefits of the aloe vera plant have actually been recorded throughout the world’s history as far back as biblical times, and it has very unique healing abilities that simply cannot be denied.

    How to Use Aloe Vera

    If you would like to try out the Parkinson’s and aloe vera treatment for yourself, there are basically two different ways that you can prepare the gel for your Parkinson’s and aloe vera treatment at home.

    Not only will the aloe vera help with your Parkinson’s and the symptoms associated with it but as well it will help with a variety of other health conditions. It can help to soothe skin injured by burns, irritations, cuts, and insect bites, help to moisturize and soften the skin, speed the healing of skin wounds, burns, and other injuries.

    It can also be used to relieve itching and swelling of irritated skin, help to kill fungus and bacteria, help relieve constipation, diarrhea, and other intestinal problems, and even improve the effectiveness of sunscreen products.

    Of course the aloe vera alone may not be enough to improve your condition especially if your Parkinson’s is particularly severe or if you have been suffering from it for a long time. This is when other methods of treatment may need to be incorporated, at least until your condition is better under control.

  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    What Is Aloe Vera Juice Good For?

    What is aloe vera juice good for? You’d be surprised at all the ailments that improve when treated with regular applications of aloe vera juice.

    The essence of the aloe vera plant has been proven to have many positive effects on human health. Whether the plant byproduct being used is sap, gel or juice, aloe vera is good for what ails you.

    What Aloe Vera Juice Is Good For – Skin Irritations

    The essential oil of the aloe vera plant, in gel or juice form, is well known for it ability to treat skin ailments and conditions. Aloe vera gel placed on skin that has just suffered a burn will cool the temperature of the skin and can sometimes even prevent blisters from forming. Similarly, aloe vera juice sponged onto a sunburn will have a cooling, soothing effect on the burned skin.

    For minor skin irritations, like poison oak, poison ivy, or another mild allergic rash, aloe vera juice will ease the itching, swelling, and redness of the rash. In summary, what aloe vera juice is good for is treating minor skin problems.

    What Aloe Vera Juice Is Good For – Stomach Problems

    Perhaps the best known effect of aloe vera juice when ingested by drinking is the laxative effect that aloe vera juice has on the system. In addition to keeping the system moving, aloe vera juice presumably has the same soothing, healing effect as it passes through the internal digestive tissues as it has when it is applied to the outer skin.

    Pure aloe vera juice has a taste that some describe as bitter. Some juice bottlers process their aloe vera juice with additives that sweeten the juice; however, this results in a diluted juice, and consumers will need to drink greater quantities of the diluted juice to get the same effect as they get from smaller amounts of concentrated juice. For most, if they can briefly endure the bitter taste, long enough to swallow a 32 oz. bottle of juice, they will reap great benefits from drinking the undiluted aloe vera juice.

    What Aloe Vera Juice Is Good For – Moisturiser

    Aloe vera juice is a safe, natural substance to use as a moisturiser on the skin, even on the sensitive skin of the face. Spray it directly on your skin or add it to your bath water to experience a soothing softness.

    What Aloe Vera Juice Is Good For – Appetite Control

    According to at testimonial from “Annie” about diarrhoea and appetite control, drinking aloe vera juice on a regular basis can help control a voracious appetite. Annie wrote, “My insatiable hunger has subsided and I seem to be able to eat a more balanced diet without feeling deprived.”

    What Aloe Vera Juice Is Good For – Cigarette Smoking Reduction

    In another testimonial, this one from Sandra, she reported that her father attributed a daily drink of aloe vera juice with helping him to be able to quit smoking. At the time of the testimonial, her father had gone from one-and-a-half-packs of cigarettes per day to no cigarettes at all for three weeks.

    What Aloe Vera Juice Is Good For – Detoxifying The Body

    Because of the laxative effect of the drink, the juice is an excellent substance to use for a detoxifying cleanse. Anyone who wishes to try an aloe vera juice cleanse should eat nothing but the juice and lemon water, flavored with maple syrup, for up to two weeks. The cleansing effect of the juice will help rid the digestive system of toxins. Some individuals notice skin breakouts while they are cleansing, as toxins are released through the pores. However, this is a temporary condition and will soon pass.

  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Using Aloe Vera Juice for Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a very common dental problem, one that millions of people around the world are presently dealing with. Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease can develop for a number of reasons but the basic reason is that the teeth are not being cleaned properly or frequently enough.

    The disease results in red, swollen gums and can actually end up leading to the destruction of the connective tissue and the bone that work to hold the teeth in place. There are actually two different types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the state of gum disease when the gums are inflamed but there is no damage yet to the connective tissue and bone, whereas periodontitis is characterized not only be inflamed gums but also by deep pockets in between the gums and teeth.

    Aloe Vera Juice for Gum Disease

    One of the treatments that you will definitely want to try out involves using aloe vera juice for gum disease. One of the main reasons that the treatment of aloe vera juice for gum disease is so favorable is because aloe vera is so gentle and soothing to the teeth and gums. Rather than being harsh like many other treatments, the aloe vera is very mild and suitable for even the most sensitive teeth.

    Besides aloe vera juice for gum disease there are many other uses of aloe for periodontal disease and dentistry. This includes direct applications to the sites of periodontal surgery, applications to the gum tissues when they have been traumatized or scratched by toothbrush-dentrifrice abrasion and dental floss, and extraction sites respond much more comfortable when aloe vera is applied.

    Aloe vera can be used around dental implants to control inflammation and contamination, and even acute mouth lesions are improved by direct application of aloe vera on herpetic viral lesions, canker sores, and cracks that occur at the corners of the lips.

    Talk to Your Dentist

    It will really be to your benefit to speak to your dentist further about using aloe vera juice for gum disease and other periodontal purposes. They will be able to offer you valuable information and as well begin incorporating aloe more into your dental procedures.

    Aloe vera can help with a variety of medicinal purposes both internally and externally. It offers many benefits and you will only be doing yourself a favor by taking as much advantage of these benefits as you can.

  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Uses For The Aloe Vera Root


    The history of the aloe vera root, used as a treatment for a variety of ailments, goes all the way back to biblical days. Great civilizations such as Persia, Egypt, Greece, Italy, India, Africa, and Japan all have notes in their history books about its almost magical effects.

    Among its earliest ardent supporters was Dioscoides, the Greek physican, who today is considered to be the founding doctor of the aloe vera root. He was actually a Roman pharmacologist who perfected his skill while traveling with the empire’s armies. He found its power of inducing sleep and loosening the insides of the stomach, a very powerful tool against his enemies. His troops used it on their boils, hemorrhoids, bruises, tonsils, gums, and bleeding wounds.

    The Papyrus ebers, an Egyptian document written around 1550, is the first known written document to discuss the medicinal value of aloe vera root. It gives twelve formulas for mixing aloe with other agents to treat internal as well as external human disorders.

    Today it is known as the “Medicine Plant”


    There are approximately 400 species in the genus Aloe in the world, mostly native to Africa. One of these is aloe vera, and the four different varieties of aloe vera are Barbados Aloe, Common Aloe, Yellow Aloe, and medicinal Aloe. Aloe vera is a semitropical succulent, and as such, stores a large quantity of water within its leaves and root system; as such it can only be grown in areas where there is no chance of freezing. The root system can actually survive freezing air temperatures so long as the ground does not freeze.

    The Aloe Vera Plant and Root

    This plant can range in size from one inch miniatures to two feet in diameter. The nectar secreted fom this plant is a favorite of hummingbirds. Because of their popularity, aloe vera plants are available at almost every garden store or nursery. The great thing is the aloe vera root system, year after year, produces new leaves, flowers, and seeds.

    The aloe vera root system spreads instead of growing straight down. When you feel it is time to repot your aloe vera plant, choose a very wide pot instead of a deep one.

    Medicinal Use

    Medicinal aloe is the variety of aloe vera with health benefits that give the plant its reputation for healing. The plant has a beautiful red spire-shaped flower, but the lower leaves of the plant and the aloe vera root, not the flower, are used for medicinal purposes. The secretions from these leaves and roots are well known for their ability to heal a variety of skin injuries and disorders. The plant also contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, niacinamide, choline, calcium, iron, lecithin, magnesium, manganses, potassium, sodium, and zinc.


    In case of burns, an immediate application of aloe vera gel will relieve most of the pain and also prevent blistering if applied in a timely manner. Doctors today use it on x-ray burns, sunburns, chemical burns, and first degree burns.


    Aloe vera is very effective in relieving itching from poison ivy, insect bites, and stings.


    The aloe vera root has healing, soothing, and cleansing properties and is widely used to counteract constipation and to cleanse the colon. Often used the night before taking certain medical examinations, it does a very effective job of flushing the system.

    HIV and Aids

    Juices obtained from the aloe vera root help control a broad spectrum of immune system diseases and disorders, including HIV and Aids.

    Monetary Impact

    The current global trade in aloe vera is estimated to be around $60 billion. This enormous size of this trade is largely due to the increasing demand for natural products around the world.

  • February 29, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Understanding The Health Benefits Of Using Aloe Vera

    People who are used to using aloe vera products know that the secretions of the aloe vera plant are famed for their ability to heal a variety of skin injuries and disorders. Let’s squash some aloe vera myths and talk about the facts:

    The Plant

    Aloe vera is a succulent plant of the class Liliopsida, order Asparagales, Family Asphodelaceae, genus aloe. There are approximately 400 species in the genus aloe. One of these is aloe vera, and the four different varieties of aloe vera are Barbados aloe, Common aloe, Yellow aloe, and Medicinal aloe.

    As its name implies, medicinal aloe is the variety of aloe vera with health benefits that give the plant its reputation for healing.

    The plant sends up broad, fleshy, swordlike leaves with serrated edges. The plant has a beautiful red spire-shaped flower, but the lower leaves of the plant, not the flower, are used for medicinal purposes.

    Health Benefits Of Using Aloe Vera Sap

    The sap from the aloe vera plant is widely used to treat eczema, minor cuts, burns, and rashes of the skin. Because of its conditioner.

    The healing properties and health benefits of using aloe vera for mild skin burns are so well known that many cooks keep an aloe vera plant on the kitchen window sill. If the cook suffers a burn to the hand or arm during cooking, he or she makes a small cut in the flesh of the aloe vera plant and squeezes a small amount of sap onto the wound. This treatment has been known to reduce the pain, redness, and swelling of the beneficial effects, aloe vera sap is often added to cosmetic and skin treatment products like soaps, lotions, moisturizers, makeup removers, makeup, shampoo, deodorant, and burn and to prevent scars from forming on the skin.

    Using aloe vera is also well known for its soothing effect on sunburned skin. In fact, aloe vera is an active ingredient in many sunscreens and sunburn remedies, providing relief to sunburn sufferers of all ages.

    Another well known health benefit of aloe vera is its ability to minimize damages from frostbite. A study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine found that almost 67.9% of frostbite patients who were treated with aloe vera cream in addition to other standard treatments healed without any tissue loss, compared to the control group of 32.7%.

    Other Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

    Some herbal remedy providers claim that using aloe vera toothpaste has health benefits of  soothing inflamed and sore gums. Organic aloe vera gel is manufactured into toothpaste to make the gel easily accessible and easy to use.

    Many patients with irritable bowel syndrome swear by the healing effects of ingesting aloe vera juice or liquid containing aloe vera gel. Aloe vera juice is believed to improve bowel function and increase the body’s ability to absorb nutrients in the digestive tract. However, patients should ask their doctor before they drink juice to get health benefits of using aloe vera, in case for some reason the substances contained in the gel are contraindicated by some other condition that the patient has.

    Aloe vera is also well known for its ability to strengthen and enhance the immune system. Other alleged health benefits of using aloe vera include cleansing of the digestive system, repairing elastin and collagen in the skin and joints, restoring much needed vitamins and minerals to the body, and restoring eight vital amino acids to the body.

    Ingested aloe vera also has health benefits of reducing blood sugar levels in diabetes. One-half a teaspoon of aloe extract daily for up to 14 weeks reduced blood sugar levels in patients by an average of 45%, a significant reduction.

    Aloe vera injected underneath the skin was found to reduce the amount of swelling and inflammation suffered in animals as a result of arthritis.

    The health benefits of using aloe vera are many; patients with serious symptoms should consult their doctors before attempting to self-treat with aloe vera.

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