Budget Saving Mom Budget Saving Mom

  • January 28, 2016   Published ~ 8 years ago.

    Buying Clothes For Moms On A Budget

    Just because you want to save money and ease up on your spending doesn’t mean you have to give up your love for fashion. There are still ways to save money and stay in style. Buying clothes you need and want shouldn’t break your bank. Since kids grow out of their clothes faster than you can buy them. It seems so silly to waste money on expensive clothes that they may ruin or will hardly ever wear. And just because you are a mom doesn’t mean you have to neglect your wardrobe either there are ways to have your cake and eat it too. We will provide you with some thrifty ideas that will save you money and have your family looking great!


    There is nothing wrong with wanting to buy new clothing. But to be perfectly honest I never pay full price for anything. I enjoy wearing fun fashionable items but I do not want to fork out the money they are asking for. What I do is always stick with sale items. Just dodge all the clothing in front of the store and head for the back. A wise woman once passed on this piece of information and it has saved me a lot of money. Look for the clearance racks they are usually filled with items you may want or need. You can find yourself purchasing more items for less. The same rules apply for kids clothing as well. And if you’re worried about getting their holiday outfits, you save the most amount of money buying right after the holidays. That way you are already prepared for next year’s holiday season. Shopping off season is where it’s at.  And do not go shopping without those coupons. They are there for a reason. Think about buying a Calvin Klein winter coat on sale and having a coupon, for me that was a 60% savings off the original price.  


    Now that you know where in the stores to shop know that it’s also important to shop smart. Shop for clothing that can be used year long. For boys clothing limit the amount of long sleeves you have to buy each year by utilizing tee shirts. Buy neutral thermal long sleeves the little guy can wear under his tees all year long. Dresses can be worn with leggings all year long. Purchase staple items that can be mixed and matched. That way you can enjoy your favorite clothing more.


    Check out consignment stores. Bring your gently used clothing and swap out for cash or new used clothing you need. It is astonishing at how much you can save. There are some stores that may not carry what you need but will allow you to cash out for the items you brought. Since it’s clothing you were already getting rid of it will be worth the amount of money you will receive. There are even kids only consignment stores, which will save you probably hundreds of dollars.  


    Thrift stores are a hidden treasure. It may take some time digging through clothes but you can even find designer clothing for cheap. As long as it looks like it’s in good condition why not. No one has to know that you bought it from a thrift store or will care. You will probably even get compliments on your frugal finds.


    Hand-me-downs are a godsend. You usually know where the clothes are coming from so that will put you at ease and they are free. People love to give their kids clothes to someone that can and will use them.


    So get over the thought of having to have something brand new. It’s not budget friendly. And if you prefer something new then shop smart. It’s not worth it to buy clothing at full price when there are so many other pocket friendly options.


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  • January 21, 2016   Published ~ 8 years ago.

    Real World Skills To Teach Your Kids

    It’s not enough for kids to have a good education. It is important but not everything they need to become adults in the real world. Provide your children with the tools to succeed in life. Kids need to learn the skills necessary to succeed in life. How to get ahead with finances, changing a tire, budgeting, and the list is endless. So many things you as a parent can do to help provide your children with the necessary skills to survive. You cannot get by with grammar and math alone. You need everyday skills that schools will not teach you. As an adult some skills we possess now we had to learn the hard way. Through trial and error. That’s not always a bad thing we all discover things that way but some things could have been avoided if we had the knowledge beforehand.


    Starting Early

    You can start early and instill these skills into your kids and lead by example. Sure you have probably already shown your children how to make the bed, how you throw out the, brushing teeth, and know addresses and phone numbers. It’s not just about showing them how to do it. Involve your kids. Let them help you do everyday things so it becomes natural for them to do. Starting around preschool and maybe even before depending on your child. You can start having them help you do things. It would be much faster if you could do them yourself but it’s not enough to just show them and expect them to know. Here is a list of things you can do with your child at preschool age:

    • Picking up toys
    • Water the plants
    • Learn how to reach emergency services
    • Have a fire escape plan and practice
    • Make the bed
    • Wash Hands and Face
    • Learn Address and Phone Numbers
    • Teach how to swim
    • Brushing Hair
    • Cleaning up messes


    Elementary School Age

    • Vacuum
    • Basic First Aid
    • Count and Make Change
    • How to Manage and use an allowance
    • Practice Typing
    • Use the library
    • Ride a bus


    Middle School Age

    • Load Dishwasher and wash dishes
    • Do laundry
    • Read a Map
    • Shop for clothes and toiletries
    • Make a bank deposit
    • Plan a Party
    • Operate a cell phone
    • Manage Allowance


    High School

    • Cook Dinner
    • Change a tire and fill with air
    • Make a budget
    • Making Appointments (doctor, hair, etc)
    • Teach how to grocery shop
    • Pump gas
    • Write Checks
    • What to do and what not to do with a credit card


    This basic list is just to help you as a parent to start thinking of what you can teach your child. Get creative and think of things you had to learn on your own that if you were taught it could have made your life easier. Give them a headstart with the basic skills. Get creative and think of other ways you can teach your child how to survive.

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  • January 13, 2016   Published ~ 8 years ago.

    Knowing How to Save as a Single Mother

    If you are a single mother, you may have to juggle your finances since your child or children will depend on you to cover for two incomes that should be in the household – from a father and a mother. As a single mother, it is quite difficult to run a household exclusively with car payment, rent or mortgage, utilities, food and school expenses to take care of. It can be very challenging. With all the expenses, how can a single mother be able to save?

    Watch Your Spending

    Saving as a single mother is possible, but you have to watch the household spending for each month and set a budget, listing your monthly income and your monthly expenses. This will give you a better idea of the funds coming into the household and the funds going out.

    Make a List

    Once you make a written list of these expenses and income, choose the three that are the largest expenses. Usually, this could be the rent or the mortgage, auto payment and groceries. If you are paying a heavy mortgage, you may want to consider selling your home and purchasing something with less expense or renting an apartment at a lower monthly cost. If your car payment is high, you may want to also consider selling your vehicle and taking the bus instead. Remember that an automobile requires regular maintenance and gas every week. Your primary goal is to reduce your expenses as much as possible, no matter if you have to give up some of the conveniences that you are accustomed to.

    Some Advice

    If you were to move to a more affordable location such as an older apartment building, you may find that the rent is much less. Walk instead of driving when you can. If you have to work a second job or overtime, use some of the extra funds to put into a bank account. You could also use some of the extra money to pay down your debt so you can free up some of your money.

    Eating Out

    Instead of eating lunch every day at a restaurant, cook from home or make a quick sandwich to take to work. You can save so much money doing this one thing. Eating out adds so much to your expenses and it can be avoided. If you take your kids to the fast food restaurant more than twice per week, cut back on this. If you don’t know how to cook, invest in a cookbook or borrow one from the library. You will be amazed at how much money this can save you. Stop buying coffee every morning on your way to work or reduce it to just once per week. Make coffee from home and take with you each morning.

    Cut Coupons

    Nothing is wrong with cutting coupons to shop for groceries. Many single mothers have to resort to this. It might take some work to do this, but it will be worth it in the long run. Have the kids help you, if they are of the age to do so.

    These are only some of the simple ways to cut costs as a single mother. Be creative and let the idea of having a saving account become your motivation. Commit to saving and you will be able to do it.

    The post Knowing How to Save as a Single Mother appeared first on Budget Saving Mom.

  • January 7, 2016   Published ~ 8 years ago.

    4 Way To Save Money As A Full Time Mom Or Dad

    Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs out there, but for all the hard work, it doesn’t exactly bring in the cash. Being a stay-at-home parent doesn’t mean that you have to let financial stresses get to you, though. Whether you’re a full time mom, dad, or any other type of guardian, there are easy ways you can build a bit of savings without having to take time or attention away from your kids or other priorities.

    Sell Some Stuff

    Here’s the beauty of a garage sale – it lets you clean out your home of all the stuff you’ve accumulated and nets you some cash on the side. If you’re a full-time parent, though, the thought of getting up even earlier than you already do and doing a lot of heavy lifting at the crack of dawn only to go back in and do it all again for the kids probably isn’t an appealing idea. So instead, take the garage sale concept and move it online.

    Selling your old stuff through online marketplaces like eBay and Craigslist are great ways to make some cash while decluttering, with the added benefit of being able to sleep in. It’s not just about big ticket items. Parents are always looking for affordable deals for school books, clothing and toys kids will grow out of quickly. If you’ve got clothes that don’t fit your kid anymore, you’ve got a tiny gold mine.

    Rent Out Extra Space

    You might not have extra space in the house, but did you know you can rent out your garage, driveway, or even parcels of your backyard? If you live in a city or near a transportation or office hub, places to park are at a premium. Renting out your garage or driveway is a great way to earn regular cash with little effort.

    Renting a small parcel of land for something like gardening is also an option – just be sure to have very clear terms about what can and cannot be done on your land, and have it all in writing. This can help you prevent the planting of anything detrimental to your family and pets, or otherwise against the law.

    Take An At Home Job

    If you have a bit more time when the kids are in school, an at-home part-time job might be the way to go. You won’t be giving up any time with your family, and you’ll still be right there when you need them, but working as a virtual assistant, content writer, tutor, designer, or whatever else your interest might be comes with the benefit of being able to challenge yourself and do something that you enjoy while still being available as a parent. Be sure to do a bit of research to make sure the person or company for whom you work is on the up and up, but if you find a position you like, there’s no reason you can’t have a career at home.

    Do Some Daycare

    If you’ve got a kid, odds are they have friends. At least some of those friends probably need watching at least some of the time. Doing a bit of daycare lets you make cash just by watching other kids along with your own. You’re essentially making money for doing what you do every day, but on a larger scale. You can do it as much or as little as you desire, and of course you can pick your own clients. It’s the easiest way to parlay your skills as a parent into cash.

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  • January 4, 2016   Published ~ 8 years ago.

    Living On One Income

    It is a fact that more and more families are not staying together. Divorce rates are at an all time high and coparenting seems to be a new fad. It’s a sad reality but it leaves many to be single parents. Whether you are a single mom or dad balancing everything can be a difficult tactic. Often it seems as though you are just struggling to make ends meet. Years ago it was the norm for you to stay home with your children while the other parent worked and it wasn’t a big financial burden. That equation just doesn’t seem to happen much anymore. Being a single parent isn’t easy and financially exhausting but there are ways to make it a little bit easier. And even if you are a stay at home mom and need to find more budget saving ways for you and your family this can help you as well.  These are some tips that can help you live a little less financially stressed.


    Start Saving

    Take a small amount of income and put it away in a savings account. It will eventually accumulate and be a good cushion for you to lean on when life sends surprises your way. If you are currently living on two incomes and plan to just start living on one start saving and paying off debts. If you are already living on income put some money in savings, pay current bills, and if you have any money left start paying off debts with a small amount. This is what you call the snowball effect. Paying off debts slowing and having a plan set in motion will get you there gradually. Try using your smart devices free budgeting apps to help get you started.


    Learn How To Stretch Your Money

    Most people do not even realize how much their money can actually get. When shopping for things you need like clothing go directly to the back of the store to the clearance racks.You will be able to purchase more for less. Look for local kids consignment shops and trade in gently used clothes that are just lying around and toys that are not played with anymore. You can use the money to save or to purchase the things you need. Grocery shopping is a must for everyone. Try to spend about ten to fifteen dollars less than you usually do and put that money into savings. Look for sales and coupons on groceries for the things you need, do not buy things just because they are on sale. Do you have cable and do you really need it? Think about your needs and wants. Instead of paying for cable get Netflix or Hulu and you will be amazed at how much you can save each month. Start making your food at home instead of ordering out or going out to eat. Conserve the amount of gas you are using. Try planning your outings so you can stop along the way instead of continuously going back out for things. By using these simple steps it can surprise you with the extra amount of money that will be in your pocket.

    Give These Tips A Try

    Living on one income shouldn’t be a burden. Using some simple tips by stretching a dollar and saving wherever you can makes it easy. Start saving and give yourself the confidence and independant feeling of knowing that you can do it. Having the security of a backup plan will put your mind at ease when life throws you those crazy curve balls. Stop throwing your money down the drain and save!


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  • December 28, 2015   Published ~ 8 years ago.

    How to Save Money at Disney World

    Experiencing Disney World really is a magical experience. It’s hard to put a price tag on the memories you and your family will make there. But when you come down to it, it’s one of the most expensive vacations you can take.


    Luckily, there are few simple ways to stick to your budget while you’re at Disney World. Here are the three biggest money-sucks of the Disney experience, and here’s how to avoid them:



    • Pricey Peak Hours: Go in the Off-Season



    You’ve heard this a hundred times, but it’s easily the biggest Disney-related money-saving tip out there. Don’t go during peak times. This includes during the summer while everyone’s on vacation, spring break, or Christmas.


    Some of the best (and cheapest) months to visit Disney World are in January, February, September, or November. Plus, taking a vacation to Disney World in those glum, colder months will give you a nice warm break in the Florida climate, and break up the tedium with something fun and exciting.


    Not only will the park itself be cheaper in the off-season, it’ll be less crowded. Other money-saving off-season benefits include cheaper travel and airfare, cheaper hotel rates, cheaper car rentals, etc.


    Steer clear of the busy peak months, even if it’s more convenient; ask off of work for a week if you want to save some serious money on your Disney World vacation.


    1. Costly Resorts: Book a Hotel Outside of the Park


    The Disney resort packages can seem incredibly appealing, but unless you get some truly significant discount (for example; AAA members get a sizable discount at the All-Star Resort) then you should just book a cheaper hotel offsite.


    There are hundreds of hotels orbiting the perimeter of Disney World’s gates, so you’ll have no trouble finding cheap and nearby accommodations. Sure, you’ll lose the novelty of staying in a Disney-affiliated hotel, and you won’t get all the cool resort stuff. But you’re rarely actually saving money when you book the Disney resort package.


    Besides; you probably won’t be in your hotel room much. You’ll be too busy exploring the parks! Even if you’re traveling with a baby there are several nursery areas at Disney World where you can put baby down for a nap without having to trek all the way back to a resort or hotel, so closest proximity is less of a concern.


    Most hotels near the park offer complimentary shuttle services that’ll take you straight to Disney World, so there’s no real reason to mess with the resorts unless you’re into spending more money.


    1. Sneakily Expensive Meals: Watch What You Eat


    The biggest expense that Disney World visitors forget about is the high cost of meals within the parks. Packing snacks is a must, but of course it’ll only get you so far.


    You’re sort of trapped in the parks, so Disney can safely ramp up the meal-time prices to $5 for a child-sized soda. Even the cheapest eats will cost about $12 per person. The good news is: most of the meal portions are massive. You can usually split meals between two hungry people and opt for water instead of sodas (you’ll want to stay hydrated anyway).


    Stay away from the fancy snacks-on-a-stick and ice creams… they’re even pricier than the meals. Combo meals may also seem like a money-saver, but you actually wind up spending more, so go for the individual options, instead.


    Pre-packed snacks and water bottles will be your new best friend, and if you loathe the idea of carrying it around with you, you can always splurge on renting a locker to stash it away for later. It’s still cheaper than spending a chunk of your budget on each meal!

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  • December 17, 2015   Published ~ 8 years ago.

    Extreme Coupon Shopping Ideas


    American families on average spend between up to $1,000 on a combination of items each month, which could include entertainment, groceries, beauty care products, cleaning products and clothes, just to name a few. However, this does not have to be the case. Sacrifices can be made to lower this high monthly expense. In some cases, items can be eliminated or instead, purchase generic brands.


    Enjoy Savings

    There are ways around shopping and the opportunity to enjoy savings. Couponing could the answer for many Americans. There are four coupon levels, starting from the casual shopper to the extreme. Most people indulge in both level 1 and level 2. However, level 3 and level 4 are trending in many American homes. This is where couponing becomes the extreme strategy to shop. Let’s explore all four levels.


    Level 1

    This level is for the person that uses coupons casually, filling up an entire shopping cart and only using a few coupons (less than ten). Of course, the person will save a few dollars, but not as much as the extreme coupon shopper. This person is probably busy or too lazy to sit and cut out coupons.


    Level 2

    This level consists of a person who prefers to buy generic brands. This is where they think most of the savings are, shopping for generic brands only – without having to clip coupons. In level 2, this person believes that they can enjoy up to $300 savings on generic brand purchases. This could be true in certain situations and for specific products.


    Level 3

    Level 3 consists of the person that looks for the best shopping deal in sales and discounts, capitalizing on the opportunity each time sale items are advertised. In most cases, a person in level 3 will not buy anything that is not on sale and will likely combine sale items with available manufacturer coupons. You have to make an effort to save at this level by being patient and spending up to three hours a week in organizing the manufacturer’s coupons. You could save up to 95% for your efforts at drug stores and grocery stores.


    Level 4

    Level 4 is where it gets extreme and really requires your time and patience. You probably were not aware that you could use a store coupon and a manufacturer’s coupon to buy the same item in a store. If you did not know, now you know. Did you also know that if you were interested in a buy one, get one deal, two coupons can be used on the one sale item? If you did not know, now you know. Extreme coupon deals are usually combined deals where you can get double the savings and access to multiple deals.



    It is not odd to have an extreme coupon shopper to have more than one Sunday paper delivered to their house. Now you are aware of the different levels of coupon shopping, what level do you fall in? Is it really worth the time? For many coupon shoppers, it is.


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  • December 10, 2015   Published ~ 8 years ago.

    How To Recover Your Credit After The Holidays

    We all know what it’s like to get carried away with holiday shopping, and if getting that January credit card statement is getting you nervous, you’re not alone. The good news is that provided you didn’t buy something truly major, like a sports car or a whole new house, your credit won’t have to suffer under the weight of your statement for long. Here are three easy ways to help you perk up your credit when the holidays have it looking a bit down.

    Start Paying

    This might seem obvious, but there’s a trick here. If for financial or personal reasons you want to pay everything off right away then go ahead. But if you’re looking for a credit boost, don’t pay everything down all at once. Instead, start making payments, but do it above your monthly minimum required payment. If you’re able, break the balance up into a few manageable blocks and pay those out monthly. The reason for this is a simple not-too-secret secret when it comes to credit cards and how they impact your score.

    A lower balance improves your debt to income ratio, and a lower debt to income ratio raises your credit score. For that reason, the sooner you can pay down your debt, the better. Breaking it down into a couple blocks gives you a tiny boost in another area of your credit score, though – payment history. A large portion of your credit score is based on whether you’ve paid bills on time and in full. It won’t be an automatic raise in score on its own, but building a few reliable payments into your budget helps better your score in the long run, too.

    Look For Suspicious Information

    Check your credit score with a free, reliable resource like CreditKarma.com – and be sure to really research a site before you give it any personal or financial information. Take a look at your credit score and see if things look right. If something doesn’t add up and you’ve got questions, pull your actual credit reports from all three credit bureaus.

    Go over them with a close eye and look for anything suspicious – anything questionable. Some fraud is more subtle than trying to drain your accounts or rack up charges on all your cards, so make sure to look carefully. If you see anything suspicious, dispute it right away. Don’t wait for the matter to get worse. Get in contact with both the credit bureau and any other companies involved to get the matter straightened out right away.

    The holidays are a time ripe with fraud, and the best way to ensure you’re not subject to it is to look closely for any indicators before real harm can be done.

    Start Saving

    Once you’ve got this year’s debt all squared away, it’s time to turn attention to warding off a repeat performance next year. Start saving well in advance for next year’s holiday shopping spree, and you’ll be one step ahead and far less likely to reach for your credit card at the register next year, helping to keep that shiny new credit score as immaculate as possible.

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  • December 4, 2015   Published ~ 8 years ago.

    How to Save Money on a Tight Budget

    Saving money is quite a challenge that most people fail to accomplish in their daily lives. Not because many of them are just blowing excess cash flow on nonsense, but because they simply do not make enough money to pay themselves every paycheck. Before their paycheck is printed up, the money is spent on bills. There are some habits that need to be exercised by those people who cannot afford to save money. In today’s economical climate, employers are taking advantage of employees by hiring those willing to work for half the pay rate and demand twice the work from them. Let’s take a quick look at how saving little by little can result ultimately in a healthy savings account.


    How to cut spending painlessly:


    – A tight record of your savings should be evaluated by the end of every month. This activity will give you an idea of how much extra money you just spend on your trips to restaurants over fancy foods. These little saving budgets can make a huge change in the figures of your saving account, if you develop an efficient Budget Worksheet.

    – Always look for necessary purchase only. It would be better to take a list of required items, whenever you visit grocery stores. This will help you to not to buy unnecessary items. Spending money on important things such as, restaurant, food and insurance should be your first priority.

    – Usually, people carelessly spend lot money on the occasions such as, Christmas, birthdays, and holidays etc. for gift exchange purposes. It would be wise to only purchase few well-chosen gifts falling in your budget scheme, rather than going for costly pile gifts without second thoughts.

    – Looking for online sales and coupons information in your local newspapers is also an efficient idea. Purchase of low-price products benefits you in every way.

    – Always stay strict to the pre-fixed figure, for your savings account on weekly/monthly basis.


    Reduce high cost debts:


    – Payday loans and high-interest credit cards must be avoided if you want to increase your savings account. A credit card charges you with an interest rate of 25%, whereas payday loans charges 500% of interest rate. Avoiding these two can save you hundreds and thousands of dollars, surprisingly.


    Save for Emergence:

    – Always ask your credit union or bank to directly transfer money in your account. This little saving of 10 to 15 dollars results in 120 to 180 dollars, yearly.

    – Generally, people don’t value loose change. However, adding loose change in your savings account could give you up to $100 over a year.

    – Always pre-plan your emergency fund to be occupied in critical situation, rather than going for bigger loans. Although, such funds are being kept in sharing accounts, but on the other hand they pay you enough when in needy situations.

    Take free money and save it:


    – Participation in Investment Development Account (IDA) programs could be advantageous for you. Attending such financial activity programs and contributing in saving a home, education or business could save you approximately $900 yearly. Just receiving a $2 for every $1 makes your savings account happy.

    – There are few employers who tend to match up to 100% of your contributions. If you come across such employers and they perfectly match your retirement savings, then let yourself to endure 100% advantage of such opportunity.


    Being on a tight budget sucks big time! But there are new habits that have to be worked into your way of life in order to survive being financially challenged. There is nothing attractive about poverty. Though many hate that they fall into the poverty category, the truth is most of the country now falls in this dismal status. Before Reaganomics, many Americans got over with a $35K salary, purchasing their first home, car, and putting money away for a rainy day. When President Reagan took office, job security no longer existed and the country has never recovered. Many across the country do not have a savings account. They are working to keep their checking account from overdraft fees. Learning new spending habits and sacrificing can make all the difference.


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  • November 25, 2015   Published ~ 9 years ago.

    What a mom shouldn’t miss to give healthy meals on a budget

    Sticking to the budget and giving healthy foods to the little one at the same time are challenging. Toddlers are very fussy with their food habits. Most of the times, they waste the whole meal and demand snacks just a little later to fulfill their hunger. This made a mom little confuse while budgeting is an another issue to take into the account. Don’t worry! There are many ways to save on your food bill while giving nutritious foods to your growing toddler.

    1. Shop wisely and healthy

    If you want your toddler to eat healthy, then you must shop healthy items. Remember, buying healthy doesn’t have to bust your budget. It just needs your little bit concentration while shopping. With a little planning, you can buy healthy items to serve healthy meals! Here you go!

    • There are many other places to buy food instead of the conventional grocery store. Search and visit to the stores in your area for comparison shopping. This way you’ll save a lot of money.
    • Consider discount store like Costco, Sam’s to get a bargain price. Get seasonal products with lower price there.
    • You must buy a smaller size and plan carefully to balance both nutrition and food waste. This will help you to manage the portion size as well.

    2. Consider Farmer’s Markets to get fresh veggies at a lower price

    Sometimes local farmers bring their items to sell. You can get fresh vegetable directly from them. However, generic brands are good as well. So, you can consider generic brands instead of those brand names.

    3. Guide your toddler to eat healthily

    You have to serve healthy, balanced diet for toddlers so that they meet all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. But, don’t shout or make noise if they seem to be picky with their foods. Picky eating is quite a normal thing in toddlers. Just build some positive eating habits that will work in the long run.

    4. Follow an ideal meal plan

    A toddler needs to be meet proper nutrients at this stage. They seem to be busy all the day so you must provide proper meal to your toddler. Try to offer three meals and two to three small snacks to your toddler. Remember, snacks play a vital role to fulfill the hunger of a toddler. They usually feel less interest to eat the big meal. They love to eat yummy snacks that fits with their small time and take the little time to finish. Proper snack will produce energy to keep your toddler busy all day long. Offer water to your toddler in between meals and snacks. You can even offer milk and juice that don’t contain sugar. Remember, too much juice can spoil your child’s teeth. Serve small portions each time and let your child finish it first and then repeat if required.

    5. Don’t buy processed items for your toddler

    If you really want your toddler to eat healthy things, then say “NO” to the processed items. Snacks attract toddlers, but you shouldn’t offer processed items as they contain harmful ingredients and artificial colors. Give fresh fruits, fruit, yogurt smoothie and thinly sliced vegetable sticks instead of giving processed snacks to your toddler.

    6. Follow some tricks

    • Use some tricks to make simple food into an interesting one. For instance:
    • Add more colorful veggies and fruits to the meals and snacks eg, small pieces of strawberries in yogurt, corn, green herbs, carrots as and when required to make the dishes more colorful.
    • Go for grilled instead of frying.
    • Serve corn bread, crackers, whole wheat tortillas.
    • Consider some DIY food arts to attract your toddler.

    7. Consider homemade food as much as possible

    Less eating out allows to provide healthier options for your toddler. How? Having homemade food saves a lot of money, which give more chance to pick healthier foods for your child. There are many easy and simple recipes available. Search on the Internet and pick the best one that goes perfectly for your kids as well as for the whole family

    8. Make mealtime peaceful

    Toddlers are fussy eaters and they have constantly refused food at this time. If you face the same scenario, then don’t make the situation worse by making noise. You must take it normal and make a calm environment when your toddler is eating. Thus, you’ll be able to build a positive eating experience in your toddler that helps to reduce food waste in the long run.

    9. Low-cost snacks and drink ideas

    • Some easy to made and low-cost snacks and drink ideas as follows:
    • Figs, raisins are a good snack for your older sweet-toothed toddler.
    • For a younger toddler, use raw and well-boiled vegetables and finger foods such as boiled and slickly cut carrot, beans, and so on.
    • Offer cracker with cheese at the snack time.
    • Homemade soup, cheese and fruit sticks are also good options.

    Final thoughts

    Feeding healthy to the toddler doesn’t have to cost most. Smart shopping for veggies, fruits, meats, proper meal planning can do the magic. If you experience frequent power struggle time while feeding your toddler and your kid sleeps less than usual, then seek pediatric consult for help.

    The post What a mom shouldn’t miss to give healthy meals on a budget appeared first on Budget Saving Mom.

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