dooce dooce

  • October 18, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.


    Yesterday I left 90 degree weather in Phoenix to wake up to a 37 degree Utah morning. The cold is here, might as well embrace it. Time for softer, warmer textures. And even though the sun is lower in the sky, it’s still there. And so, a different take on orange and black.

    Sweater: Gap
    Jeans: Citizens of Humanity
    Boots: Steve Madden
    Purse: Rebecca Minkoff
    Sunglasses: Ray-Ban
    Nail polish: Opi, Thanks A Windmillion
    Watch: Fossil
    Bracelets: Perlin Design and Nina Nguyen Bardot

    click image above to see the photo on

    by dooce in Daily Style

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Hankering. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

  • October 17, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.


    I will not admit to goading Chuck “to git her, git her now!” Marlo did it.

    click image above to see the photo on

    by dooce in Daily Chuck

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Sthnarls!. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

  • October 17, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.


    I wasn’t going to let my girls have all the fun with the nail polish, so I chose a few colors and decided to act half my age.

    click image above to see the photo on

    by dooce in Daily Photo

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Kaleidoscope. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

  • October 16, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Four women and a Madonna concert

    Back in January? February? A long, long time ago. We’ll just go with that. In a galaxy far away. My friend Stacia rounded up me and two of our closest friends (Cami and Heather) to purchase tickets for a Madonna concert. The closest show with the cheapest seats we could find was in Phoenix, and here we are lounging by the pool at the Arizona Biltmore, seeking out shade because it’s 90 degrees outside. In October. If you’re looking for me I’ll be sitting right here for the rest of my life.

    About a month ago in preparation for this trip we each took a very scientific online survey called “Which Madonna Era Are You?” Crucial information if you want to maximize the quality of your life.

    Sure you perform volunteer work and contribute to various charities, but could you live with yourself if you were not the Madonna Era you thought you were? It could destroy your whole world view. How could you go on living?

    THANK GOD I am the Madonna Era I always thought I was: 80’s Madonna. World view? Intact. Until I find out that that survey is in no way scientific and then everything will totally fall apart and we’ll all die homeless.

    I remember the first trip my family took to Florida, the first of what would become a yearly tradition, and it was serenaded by every top 40 station along the freeway from Memphis to Pensacola. “Borderline” played again and again, and then I heard it throughout the week at the condo on the beach. My dearest friend from childhood was supposed to have accompanied us on that trip, but her father had just received notice that he was going to be transferred to a Marine base in Japan. I wouldn’t see her again for 15 years.

    Another song evoking indelible memories.

    We each got different results, and everyone gathered up a costume to fit their era (Cami is painting the homemade cones on her bra with gold glitter as I type this). The thing is, I am so not a costume person. For Halloween parties I will always go as a Heather B. Armstrong, professional blogger, and when someone asks about my costume I will hold up a bottle of antidepressants and the carcass of a wild animal that showed up to die in my yard.

    So I was going to go to the concert in my standard jeans and t-shirt until Stacia intervened and brought me the wardrobe I had when I was ten years old.

    The leg warmers and jelly bracelets made it safely through security. We’ll see if it makes it past the 37-year-old cynic in me that is like, are you kidding me? I pay a mortgage, for crying out loud. Am I really going to do this?

    by dooce in Daily

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Four women and a Madonna concert. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

  • October 16, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Keep pushing my love

    I am in Phoenix with three of my good friends to catch Madonna in concert tonight. I wasn’t going to dress up in a Madonna costume like the rest of them until they bought a costume for me. It looks much better on Chuck’s head than it is going to look on mine.

    click image above to see the photo on

    by dooce in Daily Chuck

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Keep pushing my love. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

  • October 16, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Real watercolors

    I guess I lost my mind and broke out actual watercolors for both of the girls, although you can imagine I was all over the situation like a hawk. A loving yet overbearing mother hawk who frequently wiped up the spills and messes. She looks happy enough here that I don’t think she realized how petrified I was. Successful crafting! HA!

    click image above to see the photo on

    by dooce in Daily Photo

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Real watercolors. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

  • October 16, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Hand-knit for winter

    Jenny Rose is a 19-yr-old self-taught knitter working toward a degree in Retail Merchandising and Product Development. For someone who lives in the warm clutches of Florida, she sure knows how to make someone in Utah feel a whole lot better about the onset of colder weather by reminding me that this is the season of layering. So she’s talented and generous and only 19. I bet she smells good, too. UGH!

    1. Autumn Inspired Cowl/Hood $32

    2. The Manhattan Cowl Hand Knit in Seafoam Wool Blend $50

    3. The Mini Cowl in Charcoal Wool Blend $45

    4. The Drop Stitch Cowl Hand Knit in Apricot Wool Blend $45

    5. The Manhattan Cowl Hand Knit in Emerald Wool Blend $45

    click image above to see the photo on

    by dooce in Daily Style

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Hand-knit for winter. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

  • October 15, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.

    Pet cemetery

    Yesterday morning Marlo was desperate to play outside, so I told her she could head to the garage while I pulled back my hair and grabbed my shoes. She was so impatient, however, that by the time I had found a rubber band for a ponytail she had activated the garage door opener as was out on the driveway. I found her lying on her stomach on the concrete, her head perched in her hands like some lovesick teenager daydreaming on her bed about the boy in her algebra class.

    I hope Marlo takes algebra. Outside of a juvenile detention facility.

    I asked her what on earth she was doing down there, and she lifted her head so that she could use her right arm to point straight ahead. “A BIRD! ITHS A BIRD!”

    I had to walk a few feet to see around the corner, and then I saw what she was talking about. And lo, she was not making this shit up.

    Seriously? Not again.

    “ITHS SO PRETTY!” she squealed, and all I could think about was PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you did not touch it tell me you did not touch it tell me you did not touch it. Although, if that bird’s Mama had been there, it would have been thinking the same thing about Marlo. You have no idea where THAT kid has been. Cooties are totally contagious, people.

    I pulled her away from the scene because I knew how this was going to end. If I could get that close to the bird without it moving a single centimeter, something was horribly wrong. And I didn’t want my little animal lover to witness the bird’s inevitable death right there next to the house. Which is exactly what happened not even an hour later. Excuse me, but what the fuck.

    Another bird chose to spend its last hours nestled by the side of my house. I did not take a picture of its deceased body out of some crazy sense of respect? Is that a thing? Respect for a dead bird? Because I experienced that undeniable pang in my chest when I saw it lying there, its chest compressed and no longer filled with air. I was happy that it had found a safe place to go.

    Marlo’s memory will be of a plump, rust-colored bird sitting placidly by the side of her house. And when we talk about it we’ll make up stories about the many flights it took over the backyard and how magnificent the view must be from the sky.

    by dooce in Daily, Marlo, Parenthood

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Pet cemetery. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

  • October 15, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.


    This dog needs to make up its mind between being totally deplorable and melting my heart. When she shows this kind of affection toward Chuck, I’m like, you manipulative bitch. I love you so much.

    click image above to see the photo on

    by dooce in Daily Chuck

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Deference. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

  • October 15, 2012   Published ~ 12 years ago.


    You know what this outfit needs? A riding crop. And a three-book contract.

    Jacket: Thrifted (similar here)
    Blouse: Thrifted
    Skirt: H&M (similar here)
    Heels: ASOS
    Bag: Thrifted
    Sunnies: ASOS

    (You can find Cami here.)

    click image above to see the photo on

    by dooce in Daily Style

    © Armstrong Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published by Heather B. Armstrong for as Tweed. This post cannot be republished without express written permission.

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